i completed one and a quarter tasks today. (my words and about a fourth of my homework.)
when i finish this post, it will be two and a quarter. it seems like my days are filling up with numbers...
1,667 words to write
40 pages per day from 'the kitchen god's wife'... that needs to be refigured though, because i couldn't keep my eyes open long enough last night to get to page 40.
1 blog post
2 children to care for. fortunately, in that area, and especially on the weekends, greg has found no shortage of adventuring for them. today he took them to a faraway park in a faraway town that we went to, once upon a time, last spring.
william's winter hat is very common for danish kids to wear. so is his suit.
coat with snowpants... not so common... henry may be the only one...
then they rode to a forest and bird sanctuary...
and on their way home, stopped to pick up an amazing amount of cans... which they traded in for 9 kroner... about one and a half dollars. the danes, though progressive in so many areas, are maybe not so progressive when it comes to litter and recycling...
so now i need to go read or edit or finish homework, so maybe i can say i completed something more than two and a quarter tasks today.
So William left the house? And you got stuff done. Success all around!
(What temps are you having right now?)
Martinelli dry vermouth? That's an unexpected find. Makes me want to have a dirty martini.
Yes! William left the house on an adventure, played with his toys, watched his 45's, enjoyed life. We didn't mention anything about his previous plans.
oh, and temperatures... colder than madison-- greg compared today. we were high 30's/low 40's yesterday and mid-low forties in the next few days. at 8:47 a.m. it's misting and overcast.
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