Wednesday, May 23, 2012


the last couple of days have repeated several themes, and today was no different--

a warm sunny day.  here, see...

a clear view of greg's lab on the way to class

and one person embracing the waters of the fjord...

a long work day for greg-- as of 10:06 p.m. it still continues.  a work dinner.  italian. maybe he'll bring me home a piece of tiramisu.  tomorrow the visitors leave though and schedules should resume their usual scandinavian pace.  today, i was prepared-- dinner made ahead of time: bean salad again and some sort of dairy laden cauliflower concoction, which i wouldn't call a failure, but neither a success.  

william, unfazed by, and possibly embracing, school.

his danish kindergarten

henry, still not fully embracing sleep.  he's been up twice since he fell asleep at 7:30.

but, at least for this moment, he's quiet, so i am embracing the silence.


Anonymous said...

love how w's teacher is snuggling him. he looks right at home!

greg|regan said...

hey kat,

yes, william's teachers have been great at helping him settle in. i really like them.