an unpredictable day. greg left home around 6:30 and stayed at work for the next thirteen and a half hours. that was the unforeseen part. when henry went down for his nap i thought about either prepping dinner or watching pippi longstocking with william. i chose the latter. and then, after henry woke up, greg called to say the production work he was doing in the lab today to cover for someone on winter holiday had turned mildly disastrous and they were now several hours behind schedule. i thought there was a lesson in there for me somewhere, and it was either, prep dinner when you have the chance because you never know when things are going to go wrong in the lab and you're going to be a single parent for the rest of the night, or, do something fun with your son when you have the chance because you never know when things are going to go wrong in the lab and you're going to be a single parent for the rest of the night. i, once again, choose the latter. and as a side note-- for any parents out there looking for a good book-- pippi longstocking is that book.
in chicken pox news, henry did pretty well today. he's still not operating at full henry speed, which is most evident... or maybe only evident, when riding bikes outside. otherwise, he's a bit more snuggly than usual, but still jumps off the bed and runs around like a crazy man.
here they are on their daily bike outing...
and now it's time for sleep. goodnight!
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