Wednesday, March 13, 2013

mon, tues, weds

every night this week i've been tired, tired, tired.  this is no exception, but here's what we've been up to... 


a mother's day party!  william's idea, because it was mother's day in the u.k. on sunday... 

i probably don't have to say this, but denmark is not part of the u.k.  that was completely beside the point with william who began party planning nearly as soon as he heard this.

greg came home earlier than usual on monday and we all went to pick henry up from school.  i'd brought william to school that morning but his teachers felt he needed a couple more days at home after looking him over a bit...

greg had a hard time getting a picture of us where we weren't all looking down... 

or where someone wasn't making a face... 


i could have sworn i took at least one photo from yesterday, but apparently not.  it was another day at home.  


i kept both boys home today, since i wasn't going to be missing class anyway and i figured an extra day would make everyone confident that william is truly no longer contagious.  we woke up to snow and it didn't stop until this evening.  greg mentioned something about a -15C overnight in the relatively near future.  i'm wondering what happened to the mild danish winter i was expecting.  maybe that comes later.  

tonight william told greg he could cut his hair...

we'll see what we think of it in the morning.  and see if those chicken pox are gone.  and see if the snow has melted.  

oh, p.s. i changed the comments settings a bit.  you don't have to do the word verification/prove you're not a robot thing anymore.  it's amazing how much spam i've been getting from changing it, so we'll see if it's worth it or not... which is to say-- feel free to comment if you're not a robot. 


Kit Nat said...

I love that you celebrated Mother's Day in the UK!!

nina said...

UK must be on your minds? :)

I wont complain here about the weather in Madison. I'll save that for my blog. Still....

I took off word verification from my comments some while back and I receive NO spam comments. So good luck! With everything!

greg|regan said...

Hey Natalie,

The UK Mother's Day celebration was thanks to your post about it!

Hi Nina,

It is on our minds! Not too long now...

I guess we are both stuck with a longer winter than we really want. I think I'm getting the spam (I know I'm getting the spam) because I let people choose 'anonymous' to comment. But I also have the comment moderation on now... or do I??? I can't remember, but it's been giving me the option of marking them as spam before they get onto the blog, so it's not been too much of a problem.

nina said...

I had to put in comment moderation for one reason and one reason only: I have a troll. A real person who delights in writing nasty stuff, often targeting my daughters and Ed. She's been around since almost the beginning of my blogging! Incredible how some people get their kicks. And she's a Wisconsin lawyer no less! I ought to have her disbarred -- she's in violation of our statutes, but it's easier just to delete her!