little h man was home with me today. our biggest goal was to get to the grocery store and back. he liked the idea of helping push the burley...
though he'd at times get distracted...
not a consistently sunny day, but the showers held off until late afternoon...
on the way home, stopping for a snack by the lake...
where they were setting up for an event. so we got advertised at via a patio umbrella...
the burley = grocery cart?
well, a little basket on wheels equals the grocery cart for us when we're in the store (i dare not ever take a real grocery cart because i'm typically only buying what i can fit in my bike basket.. and i generally have no coins on me to pay the deposit required to unlock a cart)... but sometimes when we're getting a lot of groceries or if we're walking to the grocery store, we'll take the burley to transport it all back with us. also, we'd be hard pressed to get henry to walk all the way there and back (and his bike tire was flat so he couldn't bike there).
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