Monday, September 28, 2015

new with the old

the old with the new.  today was new in so many regards, but first, a little of what we already know...

that if the sky is blue, it is bound to be a beautiful day... 

and henry will climb a very tall tree...

but otherwise, a bit of new.  a friend of mine, someone i've recently reconnected with from language school, convinced me (or maybe we convinced each other) to join a gym.  today we had our first workout. on the way out, i went to unlock my bike and realized i didn't have the key because of a mix-up in who was going to the grocery store with what lock over the weekend.  fortunately, my friend had driven her car because her own bike had broken recently, so she drove me home.  i picked up the bike key and then i walked to my next obligation of the day, which was meeting a with a brother and a sister, the former of whom i'll be helping to practice his english while he prepares for an exam to get into a university here. (i'm pretty sure the way i structured that last sentence should pretty well disqualify me from helping anyone with english... but, at least it's free help, so...)

afterwards i walked back to the workout center and got my bike and picked up the boys (and there you have the henry-in-the-tree photo).  we ate at the common house for dinner and while there, one of our neighbors asked if we would want their old patio furniture as they'd just gotten a new set.  so suddenly, after dinner, we had patio furniture!

william was super into it, wanting to sit out in pajamas and read (and thinking ahead to wintertime... "wouldn't it be so nice to sit out here in coats...")...

a happy addition to our porch, indeed!


Judy said...

Great to table and chairs! So Danish - the idea of sitting outside in coats (or at least very un-Los Angeles, maybe because it will be 30+C all week).

nina said...

How cool that people should share in this way. How super nice that you can enjoy it still. Not used to seeing so much sunshine in your blog photos!