Sunday, December 23, 2012

day one in hamburg, written on day two

we've gotten on an incredibly late schedule, so that henry is not falling asleep until close to ten.  with a slow upload of eighteen pictures (!) that pushes the writing of this blog post to 11:30.  tomorrow we get up early to head back to denmark, so i'll let yesterday's hamburg adventure be told mainly through pictures.  today's will (hopefully) be told tomorrow (through more pictures).  so, without further delay, yesterday's christmas markets... 

first, a smaller one, right on the harbor... 

these little docked ferries each had their own theme going on inside...

the cookie-decorating ferry...

the cafe...

the face-painting ferry...

the last seemed to be another cookie-decorating space and another had a theater theme.

the stalls... lights...

tools... made of chocolate...

a feris wheel.  william and his grandpa... 

 william eating his favorite grain...

a christmas parade, right outside of the second market...

santa on a segway...

market number two, hamburg's big christmas market, was packed with people...

the mulled wine... the opinions in our group ranged from 'love it, i'd have another cup!' to 'here, take mine.'  

the sausage shop... this was our late afternoon snack and i think it won all our hearts...

william looking on...

 after the market, to the city center's pedestrian street...

a child-friendly stop at a toy store...

and at dinner with the little h.  i thought he was playing tricks for the camera in this, but greg told me he was recovering from a drink of my fizzy water... which he continued to drink...

more germany (from denmark) tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you have family with you at the holidays! Looks like you're having a great time. Merry Christmas to you all and tell everyone hello! I'm sending this as anonymous like you suggested :). Love, Auntie Kendee

nina said...

I see snow! But not anything like what we have here. Madison hasn't gone above 30 degrees since the big storms. The only way to love this weather is to embrace it fully. I learned that several years ago when we visited our northern neighboring country in February. It was freezing as hell, but the Quebecois would not be deterred from fully enjoying the outdoors.

Looks like you're doing just that. I do hope your foot recovers, even as I see that your spirit sails forth!