Wednesday, December 26, 2012

day two

today was a day where the first person up didn't get up until eight a.m.  so it was an easy day in its pace.  henry napped after the boys took a late bath, and william even brushed his hair so that he looked awfully civilized.  we ate leftovers for lunch, as the grocery stores assume you will, as they remain closed today, the day after christmas.  i believe they call it christmas day two here.  

in the late afternoon, greg, henry, kathy, and i rode bikes to the fjord (henry in burley).  there was dwindling daylight by the time we reached it, just before four-thirty.  

henry played at the playground in the near dark.  the only kid to brave the cold once the sun went down.

we came home and had duck soup for dinner.  then later there was lego organizing to be done for a big lego battle tomorrow...

and after that, the second batch of christmas cookie decorating...

... because if the super best can have a second day of christmas, then we might as well celebrate.

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