Sunday, November 25, 2012

leaves and house calls

i have some good news to report: i finished the kitchen god's wife today.  phew!  oh, and what a good book it is.  my second time reading it.  so there's my recommendation... if you're looking for a good story, there's one in that book.  

i also finished my words for today, and my danish homework.  so i feel quite accomplished.  there were no grand adventures to tell about.  a trip to the bakery and then to the grocery store.  

later henry and greg raked leaves in the backyard.  we don't know what to do with our leaves yet though.  and on our block there does not appear to be a lot of yards with large trees in them losing their leaves... at least not the front yards that i can see.  

then the two of them made bagels... 

while william played with legos...

and showed off his riches... 

but later in the evening his cold was giving him troubles and he's woken up with a fever two nights in a row.  we'll see how tonight goes and then, maybe a doctor's visit.  something i learned-- they will do house calls in denmark if it's past a certain time of day and you request it! apparently in england as well.  and surely many other places in the world.  maybe even in the u.s. and i just don't know it.  hopefully we won't need that though, but nice to think that if any of us were sick enough, we wouldn't have to get on our bikes and ride over to the doctor.

and now goodnight.  enjoy the last of your long weekend if you're living in the u.s. reading this!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Those are best looking bagels anywhere in Denmark!