Wednesday, January 9, 2013

rain, snack, friends

today was the first day i've had to wear my rain pants in i don't know how long.  but it's not like denmark has been going through some kind of dry spell.  it's just that it tends to rain at night, often the middle of the night, or early morning, so that you might hear rain drops fall on the bathroom skylight when you go to brush your teeth before bed, or get up to take a shower.  the morning started out dry as far as i can remember... no rain pants needed that is.  we went to the dentist.  henry on the verge of cavities is no worse off than he was when he first went some six months ago, so that means we're doing a good job and they don't need to remove all his teeth as i feared in my worst-case scenario vision of today's visit.  then we got to school in time for william's class's bike day.  all the kids brought their bikes and they rode around the playground, stopping at stop signs, sponging them down at a little bike wash station.  he was very proud to show me his bike license laminated and affixed to the front of his bike when i picked them up this afternoon.  that is when i had my rain pants on.  not a downpour by any means, just drizzlyplus, and falling in the afternoon.  

henry, as usual, helped with the dinner preparation.  he's getting more and more cozy up there on his little perch, with a snack and some writing material... 

and william got a sweet letter in the mail from an old friend in wisconsin.  they go way back...

then at bedtime, grappling perhaps with the entire idea of moving and leaving friends behind, william asked if we will be able to visit denmark when we move back to the u.s., because, he told me, he is going to miss his danish friends.  he said this blinking away tears, knowing what to anticipate only because he first learned what good friends are, back in wisconsin.


Unknown said...

You are so incredibly beautiful. All of you. That William can understand what he does at age 4, anticipating the sorrow of parting even as he cherishes the letter from Sonya here in Madison, is a very rare thing. And that he can articulate this, and share it with you, is possible only because of your nurturing, and because of the careful and caring parenting on both sides of the Atlantic. I want to hug you all.

nina said...

What Phyllis said.

greg|regan said...

Thank you Phyllis and Nina. =)

Anonymous said...

Yep, what Phyllis said. So sweet, William.