my postscript message in the last post was received, and by the time both boys were dressed for school, my back tire was fixed... at which point greg went to pump up his tires and found that his back tire was flat.
well, if it's got to happen, it might as well happen when you're not out of practice.
otherwise, henry is getting his top two canines in and so my nights are not the restful repose i'd like them to be, so i'm doing a short post tonight to get in a couple of hours rest before the rest of the night begins. (and in fact, i missed my window. just after writing this, he is awake and being walked around by greg.)
here is a picture of william, with his bear, william, and a lego project, at breakfast the other morning...
and so, with that, goodnight!
I'm so removed from those younger years that for a minute I thought you were going to write about how you just got two dogs!
Weird how teeth can cause so much trouble in life.
can you even imagine if we suddenly had two dogs? i can't!
after these two, i think he still has 6 more to go! hopefully the second set is easier on them (the guys, kids in general).
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