Monday, September 24, 2012

day before eksamen

tomorrow i must speak in danish to a person who will be grading my performance.  it's one of those things i never considered i might be doing with my life, but there you have it.  however, the going into a language exam feeling unprepared thing... will literally be a dream come true.  sigh.

i think perhaps i'll study and/or try to go to bed early, so that i feel like i tried to help myself out just a little bit.

i will leave you with some pictures. but first, a couple quotes from william today:

on what he ate for lunch at school: "oh, i had rice pudding and some sugar things and some sugar."

(which might explain this next quote)

on riding his bike: "i'm going faster than a flying, blaring kite string!!!"

upon catching him drinking out of the milk carton: "that's how heathcliff (the cartoon cat) drinks it."

and now a few pictures...

where is big brother?

racing! i can't beat a kite string.  there's no way i'm beating this guy...

our little scarecrow...

battling against grandpa on skype...

henry says hello...

 and a hyggeligt bedtime...



nina said...

And good luck! (Though remember -- it's all in the experience!)

Fav photos -- and there are many -- of little brother gazing after brother, then at grandpa and then, too, of bedtime by hyggeligt (which sounds totally dramatic).

greg|regan said...

Thank you Nina! I will have to save news of the results for this evening's post... but I have to say, reading the comment and then telling myself that it's about the experience, helped my nerves!

Hyggeligt bedtime-- I think I have that right, but a true Dane would have to assess the situation and tell me if it is indeed hyggelig... because it is perhaps harder to define than it is to pronounce. I blogged about it once right in the beginning, but haven't yet, and maybe don't know much more about it now than i did then, except that i've since heard people use it and it seems like it really can be used for a wide variety of situations-- e.g. getting the "middle aged" boys in william's class together to build boats with scraps of wood and tools. (though william tells me one of the boys hurt himself with a tool, so i don't know if it then turns unhyggelig at that point???)

here is one website describing Danish Hygge:

I would say you probably had a hyggeligt weekend!

greg|regan said...

haven't *since*