Thursday, March 12, 2015

morning walk

william is the studious one, getting to school by 8 to dutifully tend to his "lectures."  (okay, one-third of that sentence is truth, one-third myth, the other third pure conjecture.) 

henry is the guy who can take his time getting to school on a morning like this... 

bathed in light (i.e. overexposed)...

helping me over the cattle grid..

on the other side i take a look at the swamp and the bark on the fallen trees that's much mossier than this picture shows...

and i look back and he's helping his dad across...

made it.

a cool spring so far, but plenty of sunshine.  (one half of that sentence you'd expect, the other you feel lucky to have.)


Sara said...

Lovely pictures. I'm with Henry, rambling along.

Anonymous said...

This looks different than the way I remember the walk between William and Henry's schools... but maybe it has to do with the fact that it is bright and sunny, not dark - like it was every time we did it in December. What a beautiful spring and a beautiful walk! Kathy

nina said...

I cannot believe you have that kind of a walk to school! That's just so beautiful! I live in the country and it is very hard to find a path to take my granddaughter on for a spring walk. We have to mostly stick to the rural roads -- with the inevitability of cars. I am intensely envious that you can freely meander along that path!

gws said...

Hi Kathy, It is a very different path! One that I haven't been on from where we started to where it ended, completely.

Hi Nina, Yes, I feel so lucky in that regard and so worried that were we to return, we wouldn't be able to find anything like it. To get to William's school, we have about 4 safe rides to choose from. And today he's doing his first official bike ride home alone.